Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Entry Stress? Happy?

Minggu yang krikkk krrikkk krrikkk...
Boss baru sudah masuk. Kena tunjuk tahap kerajinan yang menggunung. Salah siket, habis die report kat orang atas a.k.a DIRECTOR. Sebab. Boss baru adalah abang director. Pffftttt!
Dan aku semakin stress dengan dia yang macam good-good je. Grrrrr!
Ok sebab aku stress, tengok muka Naila yang ni, alololoh sejuk siket. Teringat perangai dia sekarang, bila aku nak marah je, dia panggil "mama! mama! mama!" pastu lentok kepala senyum. Macam gambar ni. Eeeee! Geram rasa nak geget!
Balik kerja, time-time tengah dahi bekerut penat, Naila berlari dapatkan aku sambil jerit-jerit "mama! mama! mama!"  Perasaan yang sungguh seronok! Best rupanye ada anak ni. Muahaha.


  1. Aku cemburu. Tiada siapa yang menanti di muka pintu. :'(

  2. Salam...

    Cutenya lesung pipit dia :)

  3. naila..nape comey sgt ni..rase nak geget jugak.

  4. lentok abis naila ye...suka la ngan rambut naila tue

  5. Hello,

    I recently created an infographic on behalf of the brand Gaviscon that gives useful information to future moms about How to fight gastro-esophageal reflux and heartburn in pregnancy / Bagaimana menangani gastro-exophageal reflux dan pedih-ulu hati semasa mengandung.

    As you yourself were pregnant not so long ago, I thought that you may be interested in sharing this content with your readers, whether they are pregnant or soon to be pregnant.

    You can contact me on if you want to see the infographic.

    Also, please note that:
    - This is not an advertising campaign (no payment involved). The purpose here is to share information with whoever is interested in it.

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
    Best regards,


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